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"Bo Peep Bo Peep" von T-ARA ist tanzbar in Just Dance Wii 2.


Bopeep Half Dancer

The dancer is a woman with short black hair. She is wearing a red, leopard-spotted swimsuit-like top with an orange t-shirt under it. She also has two fake kitty paws on her hands. Ubisoft undoubtedly got this idea from the music video. She also wears a red cat collar.


The background appears to be a stage. Occasionally, a pink cat, two purple cats, and a cat face can be seen on the right side of the stage.

Gold Moves

There are 5 Gold Moves in this routine:

Gold Move 1 & 4: Put your right hand by your right cheek.

Gold Move 2 & 5: Brush your right hand across your face.

Gold Move 3: Repeatedly claw from left to right.


  • The dancer's clothing mimics the music video.
  • In the game, they use the Japanese version of the song. Originally, the song is in Korean. This is like Fantastic Baby and all KARA songs, where the original song is in Korean but they used the Japanese version instead.
  • The dancer starts off as a cat, and then turns into a human. She turns back into a cat at the end of the routine.
  • This and Samishii Nettaigyo are the only Just Dance Wii 2 routines where the difficulty and effort are both set at 1.
  • The dancer lip syncs most of the chorus.



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