Just Dance Wiki Deutsch

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Just Dance Wiki Deutsch

"Why Oh Why" by Love Letter is featured as a DLC on both Just Dance 2 and Just Dance 3. It is also featured on the main tracklist of Just Dance: Summer Party and Just Dance Now.


The dancers are clothed in Siberian fashion.


P1, a woman, has black short hair and wears a black wrap, a purple dress, a necklace, a red belt and heels.


P2, a man, wears a Siberian hat, a red jacket, purple shirt underneath, mustaches, red pants and white shoes.

In their remake, their outfits are more realistic, but they remain the same colors. P2's jacket has been toned down in shade a bit, however.


The background looks like a flat/restaurant with pink neon lights at the top of the windows, a piano, a candle stand with candles, a couch, a table, a polar bear carpet that lip syncs "Why Oh Why? Baby Oh Why?" and a fireplace.  In the sky, there are lots of heart shaped lights.

In the Xbox version, the flat looks darker and it has a more romantic atmosphere. 

Gold Moves[]

There are 3 Gold Moves in this routine:
Gold Moves 1 & 3: Put your right hand on your forehead as if to search for something.
Gold Move 2: Put your right hand on the face in a disco pose.



