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Just Dance Wiki Deutsch

"Nine In The Afternoon" von Panic! At The Disco ist auf Just Dance 2 (as a DLC), Just Dance: Summer Party/Extra Songs und Just Dance Now.


The two dancers appear to be dressed up as animals.



P1 is a woman dressed as a cat. Her hair is short and she's wearing a green hat with pink cat ears. Her shirt is of the same green as her hat and has one long sleeve on the right side but no sleeve on the left. She's wearing striped long stockings or leggings, a striped skirt, short high heels and a cat-tail.

Just Dance Now

In the Just Dance Now remake, her face, skirt, and heels are dark purple.



P2 is a man dressed up as a dog. On his head he has two top hats, one pink and the other green with dog ears hanging from them. He's wearing a dark pink-and-purple jacket which covers a hot pink jumpsuit. The pair of shoes he is wearing is white. His hands are also bigger than ordinary dancers'; this may have been done probably to create a resemblance to paws.

Just Dance Now

In the Just Dance Now remake, his face, ears, and jacket are in a darker hue.


The background plays a big role in the routine; it shifts from day to night very often. Visually the background appears to be some kind of candy land (like the one in Lollipop) with its big candy canes sticking up from the ground and pink grass. In the distance there is a mountain with a castle on it and giant cogwheels can be seen too. During the daytime the sky appears to be green and the sun is above the castle. During the nighttime the sky still has hints of green but it's just toned down to a more blue color. Geographically, there's an error with the moon; it hangs in front of the cogwheel.

Just Dance Now

In Just Dance Now, ist der wechsel zwischen Tag und Nacht geschmeidiger, und am Ende, wenn die Tänzer den Weg entlanggehen, laufen sie langsamer. Sie werden nicht mehr durch das pinke Rad versteckt.

Gold Moves

Es gibt drei Goldmoves in dieser Routine:
Gold Moves 1 und 2 (T1): Drehe Dich im Uhrzeigersinn.
Gold Moves 1 und 2 (T2): Drehe Dich im Uhrzeigersinn.
Gold Move 3 (Beide): Beuge dich etwas und schüttel deine Hände als ob du ein Daumen hoch gibst.


  • In der Beta Version, ist das Schloss auf dem höchsten Berg und die Sonne ist heller.
  • Ein Avatar von T2 erscheint auf Just Dance 2014.
    • Dieser erscheint auch in Just Dance 2015 und wird freigeschaltet, wenn man World Dancefloor Level 20 hat.
  • Das Süßigkeiten Thema ist vom Musikvideo inspiriert.




Just Dance 2 Nine In The Afternoon 5 Stars
