Just Dance Wiki Deutsch

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Just Dance Wiki Deutsch

"Suirenka" by ShonanNoKaze is featured on Just Dance Wii 2.


Suirenka Half dancer

The dancer has short red hair and an orange beard. He wears a pair of red sunglasses, a purple and orange jacket over a magenta shirt, a light blue necklace, a light blue glove, a pair of cheetah spotted pants and a pair of orange shoes.


It looks like a disco with a Japanese shining sign and a DJ. Sometimes three men that look similar to the dancer appear behind him while waving handkerchiefs. The far back of the background also features a red fabric display with "wind" written in Traditional Chinese.

Gold Moves[]

There are 3 Gold Moves in this routine.
Gold Moves 1 & 3: Move your right hand on your face from the left to the right.
Gold Move 2: Open your right hand as if you're holding a mobile phone.


  • The name of the song translates to Nymphaeaceae (the scientific term for water lilies).
  • The dancer looks wider in the gameplay than in the menu.
  • The lyric BOO has two down arrows, indicating that you have to point your thumbs down.
  • This is one of the most exhausting choreos ever made, with an effort of 3+. Body & Soul has an effort of 3+ too.
  • Based on facial features, the coach strongly resembles the one for One Way Or Another (Teenage Kicks).
    • He also looks like one of the rappers in the music video.
    • He also resembles Atzushi from EXILE.
  • This song was shortened for the game. The original length is about 6 minutes and 50 seconds.
    • If it wasn't shortened, it would be the second longest song in the whole series, and the third one over 6 minutes (along with Rock Lobster and Katti Kalandal, which both were shortened too).




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