Wiki Just Dance
Ring My Bell
Jogo(s) Just Dance
Just Dance: Greatest Hits
Artista Anita Ward
De album Songs of Love
Ano 1979
Data de LançamentoReleased Date(s)
Dificuldade 2
Esforço 1
No. of Gold Moves 4 (Post-JD)
Nº de Shake Moves
Genero(s) de Danças Predefinição:Female
Rotinas Alternativas
Modo de Dança Solo
Cor dos Pictogramas Java (JD)
Crusoe (JD:GH)
Jungle Green (Remake)
Cor da Luva Arrows
Confetti (JD)
Lemon (JD:GH)
Corn (Remake)
Cor da Letras Corn (Remake)
Contagem de Pictogramas 56 (JD)
40 (JD:GH)
Total de Calorias
Queimadas (kCal)
Duração 3:17
Código do Nome Ring (JD)
RingMyBell (JDGH/Remake)
Preview Audio

Coreografado Por
Performado Por Julia Spiesser[1][2]

"Ring My Bell" by Anita Ward is featured on Just Dance and Just Dance: Greatest Hits. It was also planned to be featured on Just Dance: Best Of, but it was scrapped for unknown reasons.

Appearance of the Dancer[]


The dancer is a woman with a cyan afro with a yellow star clip on the right side of her hair. She wears a sea green sleeveless top and shorts, with a white belt held in her waist by a yellow star-shaped buckle. Over her body is a yellow open jacket with two lines on the top of her sleeves. She also wears a pair of knee-length yellow and dark green striped socks and white, yellow, and green platform heels. She also wears a pair of small hoop earrings and a single yellow bangle on her right wrist. In Just Dance: Greatest Hits, she is presented with a red outline.


In the remake, her face is no longer visible, her color scheme is slightly more realistic and slightly ligther, and her outline is hot pink.


Just Dance[]

The background is a yellow-orange gradient that appears as a spotlight of sorts. There is a blue line at the bottom, and many yellow triangles fly behind the coach.

Just Dance: Greatest Hits (Wii)[]

In the Wii version of Just Dance: Greatest Hits, there are two triangles stuck to the floor, on the sides of the screen that light up along to the rhythm. The flying yellow triangles are more numerous.

Just Dance: Greatest Hits (Xbox 360)[]

In the Xbox 360 version of Just Dance: Greatest Hits, the wall has a much wider circular gradient, and there are powerful fuchsia lights at the bottom. The flying triangles are more numerous, and some of them have an aquamarine smaller triangle in the middle.


The remake background is based on the Wii version of Just Dance: Greatest Hits, but it is less saturated and there are more falling triangles.

Gold Moves[]

There are 4 Gold Moves in Just Dance: Greatest Hits, all of which are the same:

All Gold Moves: Slap your hip with your right hand once and put your left hand out.

Appearances in Mashups[]

Ring My Bell appears in the following Mashups:


Ring My Bell appears in Puppet Master Modes. Here are the captions assignated to it.

  • Diving Down
  • Four Corners
  • Locomotion
  • Rolling Punch
  • Speed Bag
  • Swim ’N’ Pony



  • On Just Dance, the lyrics incorrectly read "Rock a bye" instead of "Rock a bell". This was later fixed in Just Dance: Greatest Hits.
  • The song is featured on Just Dance Video Game Hits, Volume 1.


  • In the Just Dance menu square, the coach’s bangle is missing and her earrings are white.
  • In all menu squares and coach selection images from Just Dance: Greatest Hits onwards, the coach is flipped and her earrings are circular instead of being hoop earrings.
  • Some pictograms from the Just Dance: Greatest Hits version and the remake are called "pulpfictionr f", "pulpfictionendr i", "pulpfictionl f", and "pulpfictionendl i", referencing the film of the same name.
  • The coach of Ring My Bell appears in the coach selection screen for (I’ve Had) The Time Of My Life (Mashup) despite not appearing in the routine at all.
    • However, this is only the case for the Wii U version of Just Dance 4. On the PS3 version, the coach of Love You Like a Love Song appears instead.
  • The coach makes a cameo in Just Dance’s background.
  • Although the pictograms from Just Dance: Greatest Hits are reused in the remake, some of them look slightly different from the ones that were actually used in that game.
    • Two pictograms have editing mistakes that were not seen in Just Dance: Greatest Hits:
      • In the former, the clap emblem has some empty pixels next to the white outline.
      • In the latter, small portions of the arrow have been incorrectly erased between the head and the torso.
    • Another pictogram is the same as in Just Dance: Greatest Hits but has been slightly moved towards the left.
    • In two other pictograms, the semitransparent arms have been replaced with two punch emblems. The punch emblem used from Just Dance 4 onwards is used.
  • The avatar for Ring My Bell is shown as default in the coach selection and scoring screens for Just Dance Unlimited routines in Kids Mode from Just Dance 2018 if the respective avatar is not available.[citação necessaria]


Game Files[]

In-Game Screenshots[]

Beta Elements[]



Official Music Video[]





  2. Predefinição:Perf/JD1

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