"Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson is featured on Michael Jackson: The Experience.
Appearance of the Dancer[]

The coach resembles Michael Jackson in the attire worn in the corresponding music video. He wears a black suit, a black hat, a lilac-pink shirt underneath, and a red bow tie.
The routine takes place in a city that changes places every chorus. At the start, there is a grey wall that reads Billie Jean in pink. The wall then turns a color similar to orange. In the chorus, the background changes to an alley with shops at the sides.
The routine takes place in a city with a shop on the left side of the screen. The dancer is standing on the street. On the DS version, the city is further in the distance and the shop is no longer visible.
Xbox 360[]
This routine takes place in front of an empty drugstore labelled Ronald’s Drugs and a sign advertising watches can also be seen. Fire escapes can be seen on both sides of the building and a city can be seen in the distance.
The routine takes place on a street in front of a billboard. The billboard displays images from the song’s music video. The city can be seen in the distance in the background.
Gold Moves[]
There are 2 Gold Moves in this routine:
Gold Move 1: Point your right hand up into the air, and place your left one on your basin.
Gold Move 2: Same as Gold Move 1, but you have to place your left hand on your hip.
- The song is sampled in Hollywood Tonight.
- The song is referenced in Anything I Do.
- The lyric "Don’t think twice" is misinterpreted as "Do think twice".
- The coin in the background reappears in Smooth Criminal.
- The part where the coach flips his hat is based on how Michael Jackson used to perform the song, starting with Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever.
- In the Beta version of Michael Jackson: The Experience, the background was less developed and there were no Gold Moves.[2]
- The map originally had a different choreography, according to a beta gameplay video.
Game Files[]
In-Game Screenshots[]
(Xbox 360)