Just Dance Wiki
Forums: Index > Applications > Applications/DevDiego's Chat Mod Application

Chat Mod Requirements:

Edits/Posts: 700+
Time on Wiki: 5+ months

My Qualifications:

Edits/Posts: 2,291
Time on Wiki: July 18th, 2016 (3 years, 11 months, 10 days ago)

Application Info:

I'm Diego, I'm applying for the role of the Just Dance Wiki Chat Moderator because I feel like I've got what that role takes.
My timezone is EST.
I'm familiar with Discord and all of its features, as well as with bot commands for Moderators on bots like Dyno.
I am currently active in both the Wiki and in its Discord server.
I have experience moderating Discord servers and social platforms; I have been a staff member of the Just Dance subreddit Discord server since July 26, 2019 as a Moderator, I was promoted to the position of Administrator on March 28, 2020; I am also moderator of the Just Dance subreddit since March 28, 2020.
I have knowledge of the following languages: Spanish as a native speaker, Portuguese as a native speaker, and English, should this help in the future.
I hope that's enough for the community to support my application and me.
Thank you everybody. 💖

[Chat Mod](Talk)
19:35, June 28, 2020 (UTC)


Erich21 (talk) 19:59, June 28, 2020 (UTC)

best staff on r/JD and a great person to be around <3


GO DIEGO GO! You've showed up you can have this position!

TudoBen (talk)Beinzinho gameplaysTudoBen (talk)


 I fully support you sisss <3 JustJaumePS4 (talk) 20:19, June 28, 2020 (UTC)


Sanjay Korrapati14 June 28, 2020 23:24 (Turkish Time Zone)
