"ゲラッポ・ダンストレイン" ("Gerappo Dance Train") by King Cream Soda (キングクリームソーダ) is featured on Yo-kai Watch Dance: Just Dance Special Version.
Appearance of the Dancers[]
P1 is a representation of Keita/Nate. He is wearing a red jacket, an orange shirt, a purple glove, gray pants, a belt, and black, red, and white shoes.
P2 is a representation of Fumika/Katie. She is wearing a bowtie on her hair, a red glove, a pink winter coat with a blue heart on it, blue shorts, black leggings, and winter shoes.
The background shows Jibanyan and Shogunyan dancing. At some points of the song, a Yo-kai appears as a train conductor and a train with Yo-kai in it with the kanji 「福」(meaning “good fortune” or “blessing”) written on the right side. It shows 4 Yo-kai jumping to the beat to the song. It shows a big head of a lady with arrows on the ears, red spots on the cheeks, and a red lip. It shows the Japanese words 「開運招福」(meaning “good fortune charm”) and 「大入」(meaning “large attendance (of people)”) and one of them says "Lucky". There are two giant goldfish in the background. The left and right corners show tents.
Gold Moves[]
There are 3 Gold Moves in this routine, all of which are the same:
All Gold Moves: Pat your thigh and raise your arms up. (On Gold Move 1 look to the front, on Gold Move 2 look down (P1 does it while kneeling), and on Gold Move 3 look down)
- Gerappo Dance Train is one of multiple songs by King Cream Soda in the game.
- The concept art of the song references three of four main characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise in its players, being Raphael, Michelangelo and Leonardo.