"Jerk It Out" by Caesars is featured on Just Dance.
Appearance of the Dancer[]
The dancer is a man dressed as a nerd. He has cyan-white frizzy hair and wears a viridian shirt, an orange bow tie, orange knee-length pants with white suspenders, and cyan shoes with white accents worn with orange socks.
In the remake, he has a light blue outline and a lighter color palette. At the beginning of the routine, he gets his colors with an animation made of filling rectangles. His hair is less detailed, where it is the opposite with the other parts.
The routine takes place in a bottle green library. There are some dark green bookshelves at the sides of the background and some light green and green paper sheets are floating about in the background.
In the remake, the library is now in shades of aqua green and only shows five stylized bookshelves (two on the left and three on the right), which move, bounce, and jump according to the coach’s moves. They also move to the beat. Sometimes, sheets of paper in shades of white and green levitate up the wall.
During the instrumental bridge, the books on the bookshelves begin flashing white to the beat of the song. When the coach runs in place, the bookshelves slide to the right and get replaced by other identical ones to create the effect that the coach is moving.
At the end of the routine, when the coach runs away from the screen, the library begins to shake as if there was an earthquake before fades to black.
Gold Moves[]
The remade version of this routine has 8 Gold Moves. Gold Moves 3 and 4, along with Gold Moves 6, 7, and 8, happen consecutively:
Gold Moves 1, 2, 5, and 8: Put your right arm up and your left one on your hip in a disco pose.
Gold Move 3: Swing your arms to the left in a semicircle.
Gold Move 4: Same as Gold Move 3, but this time in the opposite direction.
Gold Move 6: Spin your right arm in a circle with your left arm on your hip.
Gold Move 7: Swing your right arm to the left with your left arm on your hip.
Appearances in Mashups[]
Jerk It Out is featured in the following Mashups:
Jerk It Out appears in Puppet Master Modes in Just Dance 4. Here are the captions attributed to his dance moves:
- Nerd Kisses
- Nerdy
- Nerdy Braces
- Nerdy Run
- Sporty Nerd
- Super Nerd
- In the Amazon page for Just Dance, the title is spelled as "Jerk it Out".[3]
- The line "Can’t you hear you talk too loud?" is misspelled as "Can’t you hear you talk to loud?".
- In the remake, the word "to" from "You’ve got to jerk it out" is not displayed the first time it is sung.
- Acceptable in the 80s and Jerk It Out are the only two routines in Just Dance to have a difficulty and effort rating of 3.
- The remade version of Jerk It Out has the highest number of Gold Moves out of any remade routines from Just Dance.
- However, the scoring text file in the Just Dance Now files does not currently count any of the moves as Gold Moves.
- Additionally, there in no scoring file for the move represented by Gold Move 7.
- In a promotional picture, the dancer had a slightly lighter color scheme and he looked more cartoonish.
- Also in the promotional picture, the background was slightly darker.