"ジェットコースターラブ" ("Jet Coaster Love") by KARA is featured on Just Dance Wii 2.
Appearance of the Dancers[]
The routine features two females.
P1 has pink braided hair. She wears a turquoise button up dress, a pink belt, and turquoise heeled boots that stop just below her knees, with hot pink soles.
P2 has pink hair in a bun. She wears a pink button up dress, a white belt, and pink knee-length boots that have hot pink heeled soles.
The background is an amusement park. There is a carousel with origami swans in the middle, a roller coaster, and a Ferris wheel farther back. At the chorus, it switches to nighttime and the paper cranes light up. Kiss marks come out of the girls’ faces during the line, "Kiss, kiss."
Gold Moves[]
There are 4 Gold Moves in this routine:
Gold Moves 1, 2, and 4:
- P1: Point with both hands at P2.
- P2: Rub your belly.
Gold Move 3: Brush your hand through your hair.
Appearances in Playlists[]
Jet Coaster Love is featured in the following playlists:
Just Dance Wii 2[]
- Go Go Summer! and Jet Coaster Love are the third and fourth songs by KARA in the series, after Jumpin’ and Mister.
- The Japanese word "もっと" (more) is written in romaji instead of hiragana characters.
- Besides, the line "白状しなさい" has a heart-shaped character at the end.
- The props in the Gold Move pictograms lack their golden outlines.
- The coaches have darker hair in the menu icon and coach selection images.
Game Files[]
In-Game Screenshots[]
(translated version)