Just Dance Wiki

February is Black History Month! Check out our blog highlighting the artists, cast, and crew of Just Dance 2025 Edition! Submit your fanart and mashups for our celebrations here!


Just Dance Wiki
Just Dance Wiki
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Graphics and Interfaces[]

  • The menu was slightly less equipped at first, as the Options section lacked the "My Profile" and the "Search" buttons.
  • The playlist names were all in caps, and there were also two unused ones named "MOST PLAYED" and "E3 SPECIAL".
  • At the end of the songlist, there was a button that would have activated the Non-Stop Shuffle mode. In the final version, it is replaced by the Playlist button.
  • In all the demo builds, the generic player nicknames ("Happy", "Jazzy", etc.) were in mixed case, like in its two predecessors; in the final version, however, they are in all caps.
    • Despite this, preview footage for newly-added Just Dance Unlimited routines would still display the names in mixed case.
  • After achieving Superstar, the effects that appeared when players were getting closer to obtaining it would still be there.[citation needed]
  • In the files, an unused file named "feedback_perfectplus.tape" can be found, which has an animation configuration similar to the one from Just Dance 2018’s "PERFECT" feedback.[citation needed] This animation was discarded for unknown reasons, but it would later be used in the next game.
  • There is an unused piece of audio in the files called "Amiibo", which was scrapped for unknown reasons. This means that Amiibo was going to be compatible with the game in Wii U.
    • Besides, three avatars for Link, Mario and the Question Mark Block from the Mario franchise were found in the files.
  • In the demo files, files for the menu UI that show an early concept of the menu can be found.

Just Dance Machine[]

  • Five unreleased routines can be found in the files. They are:
  • There are some differences between the E3 and the Gamescom version of the opening cutscene:
    • The beginning is completely different.
    • The Story video is brighter and shorter.
    • The dancing emblem has a different animation.
    • The spaceship is darker and creates a much bigger and brighter light when it lands on Earth.
    • A scene lasts longer, where it starts off with a house dance party, and about a minute in, the spaceship slowly comes down above the roof of the house.
      • However, in the Gamescom version and in the final game release, the scene is immediately shown when the spaceship abducts a dancer.
    • The man’s silhouette is pink instead of black.
    • The routine icons have different positions, and the exclusive ones for Just Dance Unlimited were completely absent.
    • An editing error from 0:58 to 1:03 (referring to the video comparison) is fixed.
  • The routines Metal Guitar and Twerk originally had different icons.

Game Modes[]

Party Master Mode[]

  • Leftover files as well as a dedicated folder was found in the files of the game, indicating a possible return.

Double Rumble[]

  • In the Wii U files for Just Dance 2018, not only one can find files for Double Rumble, but opening a songdesc file reads that the JDVersion was from this game. This could hint that this mode was supposed to appear in game.[1]
    • This notation can be seen in songdesc files for:
      • Better Call The Handyman
      • El Sabor Del Ritmo

Just Dance Tour[]

  • Project briefs from the game show a scrapped game mode called Just Dance Tour, that would have the player travel to three different maps themed after a different country.[2] These maps would feature three experiences, one "iconic", one "crazy", and one "traditional". These places and their experiences were:
    • Japan - geisha, ninja, and kawaii
    • United States - baseball, cowboy, and street hip-hop
    • Spain - bulldance, tomatina, and flamenco


All About Us[]

  • Early menu assets for the routine can be found in the Just Dance Unlimited servers.
  • The avatar has a different color scheme, as seen in the avatar stamp page files.


  • Miguel had more visible facial features, as shown in a Beta preview from the Just Dance Unlimited servers. The background was a little different, too.
    • The song files also contain a different menu color (medium blue-green instead of green) and an unused pose in the coach selection screen.
  • The avatar for Bailar was supposed to have a blue outline instead of a purple one.
  • Miguel also had a completely different color scheme


  • In a Just Dance Unlimited preview, the background uses different colors and animations, the pictures of the winking women were in full opacity and colored and also the same place where the fingers had replaced the women in the final, and the lipsticks in the verses were placed horizontally and not vertically.
  • The avatar for Bang was supposed to have a black outline instead of a blue one.


  • From a video filmed during development, Falka was shown to have a different appearance from the final product.
    • The moves were performed in a different way as well.
  • In the menu icon, Falka’s outfit is less bright, and she is seen with an orange outline instead of the purple outline that is used in the actual routine.
  • In the Customize your Dancer Card, her avatar is seen with no sunglasses and has a collar.
  • "Blunt" was not originally censored.

Cake By The Ocean[]

  • In trailers for the game, there was a very brief preview of the choreography that differed from the finalized version. The background behind the fish tank was a diner with tables, ketchup, and mustard bottles instead of a purple living room.
    • Two of the animals in the background also differed from the finalized version; the octopus was whiter and one of the seahorses had green arms instead of pink ones.
  • In the preview gameplay for the Classic routine, the Gold Move pictogram did not have the thick orange outline that is seen in the final game.

Cake By The Ocean (Earphones Version)[]

  • In the Beta menu icon for the Earphones Version, the wire for the earphones had an outline as well as the coaches. It has no outline in the final version.

Can’t Feel My Face[]

  • The background was different, as shown in a Behind The Scenes video.
  • An extraction for an unreleased Mashup was found in the game servers.

Carnaval Boom[]

  • Carnaval Boom originally had a different title: Samba Samba. This is proven by its code name (Samba).
    • Pierre Billon was going to be credited as the artist instead of Latino Sunset.

Cheap Thrills[]

  • In the E3 preview routine, the pictograms are much lighter than in the final game. Their colors were changed after the routine was released in Just Dance Now, because of the mostly white background.
    • The Beta pictograms can also be seen in the Just Dance Now preview.
  • In the E3 menu, the menu color is cyan instead of violet, and the menu banner is yellow instead of white.

Cheap Thrills (Bollywood Version)[]

  • In the initial menu icon, Farhan’s mustache was visible. In the final version, it is flesh-colored.

Cola Song[]

  • Early menu assets for the Classic routine can be found in the Just Dance Unlimited servers.
  • Dulcie’s avatar was supposed to have a pair of pink glasses instead of blue ones, and it was supposed to have a blue outline instead of a light pink one.

Cola Song (Candy Version)[]

  • A Beta color palette can be seen in the beta menu icon for the Candy Version routine:
    • Mashow’s costume is lighter, and also has white stripes.
    • Lolli’s costume is light blue, and her glove is fuchsia instead of blue.
    • Lico’s glove is orange instead of light yellow.
    • Mintu’s costume is lighter, and its stars are light yellow instead of sky blue.
      • Additionally, none of them wears tights (which are actually used in the final routine), and P1’s costume also had a hole for his face (as seen in a Behind the Scenes picture).
        • The background in the menu icon was different as well: it was purple with rainbow sprinkles instead of mint green with swirls.
  • In the game files, there is an unused unlocking caption, meaning that it was not meant to be unlocked from the start at first.


  • In the E3 and Gamescom versions of the routine, P2’s mouth is much more visible. This was changed from BGS onwards, where the inside of P2’s mouth has been colored white.

Don’t Stop Me Now[]

  • The routine initially had a completely different choreography, but it was ultimately scrapped in favor of the final one. The coach’s outfit was nearly the same in his C1 form but completely different in his C2 form.
    • The Just Dance Unlimited servers also had an early video file for the routine, in which the background is completely absent and the coach performs the entire routine in his second outfit.
    • C2’s hat was reused in the Panda Version.
  • The menu colors were different in the E3 2016 build of the game.
  • In his C2 form, The Showman originally had a light blue, glowing outline like in his C1 form, as proven by promotional material. In the final routine, however, this outline was replaced by a paper-like cutout effect.
    • On the menu square, however, he has a flat white outline, which is not used in the routine either.
  • In the preview gameplay, the pictograms had the same color for both of The Showman’s outfits. In the final version, the pictograms for his second outfit have been recolored to red.
  • An extraction for an unreleased Mashup was found in the game servers.

Don’t Stop Me Now (Panda Version)[]

  • Panda was meant to have a blue, thin glow instead of a paper-like outline, as seen in its beta menu icon.

Don’t Wanna Know[]

  • The coach’s glove was originally more light blue, as seen in a Beta screenshot.
  • The hat of the avatar was originally different.

Dragostea Din Tei[]

  • In the servers from Just Dance, there is An autodance where the coaches have different color schemes.
  • An extraction for an unreleased Mashup was found in the game servers.

El Tiki[]

  • In the servers for Just Dance Unlimited, an autodance which shows the beta background and the beta assets from the original routine can be found.
  • The pictograms are much darker in the E3 preview.

El Tiki (Trio Version)[]

  • A different coach selection image for P2 can be found in the Just Dance Unlimited servers
  • The routine was originally going to have a different choreography and different outfits, but it was changed due to unfixable glitches.

Ghost In The Keys[]

  • The avatar for P4 was supposed to be skinnier than the one in the final version.


  • As shown on a Facebook picture, each coach was initially supposed to have his own outline color: P1’s was red and P2’s was blue.
    • In the same image, P2’s shoes are light blue instead of pink.
  • As seen on the coach selection screen, P1’s fedora and shirt were originally light blue instead of pink.

Hips Don’t Lie[]

  • The preview gameplay has a Beta pictogram.
  • In the beta routine we can see differences in coach colors from beta to final release.

Hips Don’t Lie (Sumo Version)[]

I Love Rock ‘N’ Roll[]

  • In its early version, the background was less detailed and the background dancers were pink instead of lilac purple.
    • Very strangely, this preview plays the original version of the song instead of its cover.
  • Unedited versions of the menu assets can be found in the Just Dance Unlimited files.
  • A Beta pictogram can be found in the Just Dance Now files.
  • The avatar for I Love Rock ‘N’ Roll was supposed to have a golden outline instead of a blue one.

In the Hall of the Pixel King[]

  • An 8-bit remix of In the Hall of Mountain King titled In the Hall of the Pixel King was supposed to be in the game, but it was scrapped for unknown reasons.
  • As seen in the servers of Just Dance Unlimited, the coach originally did not have a pixel effect on the menu icon and on the coach selection image.
    • On the beta album coach, he retains the effect but has no outline.
  • An early version of the routine can be found in the servers of Just Dance Unlimited, where the background only consists of two images with no animations and the performer (Julien Durand) is rehearsing a completely different choreography in casual clothes. His body is edited with an 8-bit effect.

Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini[]

  • The song was originally supposed to be in Just Dance 2017, but it was ultimately scrapped for unknown reasons. A very short snippet of the gameplay appears in the trailer of the game.
    • The song later made its official appearance in Just Dance 2018 with a remade routine, where a seahorse now takes the place of the original starfish, and P1 from the original routine is now P2.
    • In the game files of the beta routine, it can be seen that no artist is credited, and the credit string reads "TBD" ("to be determined") instead, which means the routine was scrapped in very early development.
  • As seen in a pre-rendered gameplay for the routine, the Gold Move pictograms retained their original colors and had a golden glow (like every other multiplayer Gold Move pictogram) instead of being fully golden.
  • As seen on the icon for the 2024 version of the Just Dance Now playlist "Beat Flow", P1’s glove was originally green instead of orange.

Just Mario[]

  • The song was initially intended to be released in Just Dance 2017 for Wii U and Nintendo Switch with a different remake but was scrapped for unknown reasons. This is proven by a leaked video describing it planning to be released in the game and an avatar found in the files of Just Dance 2016.
  • The Beta Remake version can be found in the Just Dance Unlimited files.[3] The following differences can be seen:
    • The routine initially takes place in Acorn Plains from New Super Mario Bros. U rather than in front of Peach’s castle.
      • This unused background can be also seen in the Beta menu assets.
    • The soundtrack is slightly different and lacks Mario’s voice snippets (except at the end).
    • The brick block is broken with a different animation, and the pieces fade away after a few moments.
    • The rainbow background animation used during the star part is different.
    • The blue pipe that leads the coach to the second background is not crooked towards the camera, resulting in the entrance not being visible.
    • The Fire Flower disappears with no animations.
    • The Piranha Plants are bigger and their pipes do not show their entrance, either.
    • The final background is much less detailed.

Just Dance Machine (Bollywood)[]

La Bicicleta[]

  • Unedited versions of the menu assets can be found in the Just Dance Unlimited files.
  • An early version of the routine is contained in the Just Dance Unlimited servers; in it, the coaches are much closer to the screen, and the background lacks its animations and is lighter.
    • Another peculiarity of this preview is that the coaches have a light blue outline instead of a fuchsia one.
      • The Beta outline is still used in the menu assets for the routine.

Last Christmas[]

Lean On[]

  • In early beta builds of the game, P2 had a different pose in the Coach Selection Menu.
  • In the preview and in E3 gameplays, on remote-sensor consoles, many moves were counted twice (such as when the dancers swing their right arms and tap their hands on their thighs).
    • The amount of counted moves was reduced in the official release.

Lean On (Scarf Version)[]

  • In the Just Dance Unlimited assets for the Scarf Version, the coach can be seen with a different outline color and her facial features are sligthly more visible.


  • In an early version of the routine, the background clones of the coach were totally different: their palette used shades of fuchsia instead of shades of blue, their skin had the same color as their hair (making it invisible), their feet weren't faded and they had no outline.

Like I Would[]

Little Swing[]

  • In the menu banner, a sign reading "LITTLE SWING" can be seen, although it doesn't appear in the actual gameplay.
  • Early menu assets for the routine can be found in the Just Dance Unlimited servers.


  • In the E3 menu, it can be seen that P1 and Swaggy Carrot's positions are flipped.


  • There are some differences between the E3 gameplay and the final one:
    • In the E3 version of RADICAL, the routine starts with the sound at the beginning of each preview video. In the final version, it is replaced by a disco sound that gets louder.
    • Some pictograms look different, especially the one for Gold Move 1.
    • The end of the song sounds different as well.
  • Versions made after the E3 demo have the song name shown as RADICAL instead of "Radical".

RADICAL (Helmet Version)[]

  • The Helmet Version's menu colors were orange and blue-grey instead of purple and light brown, and the coaches had a pink and fuchsia glove respectively instead of a light green and a magenta one. The menu banner is also different.
  • Early menu assets for the Helmet Version can be found in the Just Dance Unlimited servers.

Radical (Beta Alternate)[]

  • The alternate version of "RADICAL" was originally a solo routine with an entirely different coach, choreography and background, but it was later replaced by the Helmet Version.

Run the Night[]

  • "Run the Night" has an early version in the Just Dance Unlimited servers, along with unedited menu assets.[4]
  • As seen in an early concept art, the coach's hair was going to be red and ponytailed.
  • Originally, both Gold Moves were not Gold Moves.
  • The coach was originally going to have reddish-pink hair and a hot pink jacket, as seen on a beta avatar


  • As seen in the E3 menu, September’s menu colors were light brown and gold instead of wine purple and orange.
  • In the gameplay video, September’s pictograms were lemon yellow, wine red and green instead of the in-game cobalt, light orange and fuchsia.
  • September has a Beta Gold Move, which is seen in its gameplay preview.

September (Disco Fitness Version)[]

  • The routine’s Just Dance Unlimited files contain a different menu banner (showing the same background as the menu icon’s) and a different coach selection image.
  • The coach’s belly warmer and armband are much darker than in the final version. This Beta element appears in its menu assets.

Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)[]

  • Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It) has an early version in the Just Dance Unlimited servers.
  • Unedited versions of the menu assets can be found in the Just Dance Unlimited files.
  • The coach originally had a different color scheme, with the red parts on her outfit being light blue, along with a slightly different background


  • In the demo, the lyrics color is carmine red. In the finalized version, it has been changed to yellow.
  • A different background with elements from the first pre-chorus was initially used as menu banner in the E3 version. However, the finalized menu banner uses elements from the verses.
    • The menu color was different as well, being purple instead of fire red.

Sorry (Extreme Version)[]

  • Unedited menu assets can be found in the Just Dance Unlimited files.

Sorry (Beta Alternate)[]

  • The Extreme Version was meant to be a Trio of girls performing the official choreography of the song, but the idea did not make it into the final game for unknown reasons. An Autodance showing brief snippets of the unused routine can be found in the Just Dance Unlimited servers.

Te Dominar[]

  • A different version of the album coach can be found in the Just Dance Unlimited files.

Tico-Tico no Fubá[]

  • An extraction for an unreleased Quartet Mashup was found in the game servers.


  • Titanium was supposed to have a different background for the routine.
  • A different version of the menu square of the classic routine can be found in the Just Dance Unlimited files.

Titanium (Alternate)[]

  • Titanium originally had an alternate routine, but it was scrapped for unknown reasons.
  • All pictograms are placeholders.
    • They also show that the color scheme of the coaches were different.

Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)[]

  • Before the song was announced, P3's outfit was darker along with the other players having a smaller color change.
  • Also before the song was announced, the pictograms had different colors, and there was a beta pictogram.
  • The avatar for P2 of the Classic routine was supposed to have a more open jacket than in the final version.

Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae) (Family Battle Version)[]

  • The routine had a faintly different menu icon: some elements were slightly moved, and P2 and P3's knees were visible.

What Is Love[]

  • The classic version originaly had the artist name of "Ubisoft Cover".

What Is Love (Car Version)[]

  • The menu icon for the Car Version originally had some additional light effects on the background.

Wherever I Go[]

  • In the Just Dance Unlimited files, the pictograms for the gold moves are not present with the golden filler, meaning the routine was originally not going to have Gold Moves.

Worth It[]

  • In the song's album coach and coach selection image from the E3 demo, the coach is seen with a yellow glove instead of a pink glove, and the menu banner shows the two statues' heads instead of the columnate at the beginning of the routine.
    • The menu colors were different as well, as they were all in shades of light blue.
    • The lyrics were also different, being pink-gold instead of purple.
  • The coach's outline was light blue in the E3 announcement trailer but it is magenta in the final game.
  • In the preview video and some screenshots, the pictogram color is light brown, but in the E3 demo and final game, the pictograms are magenta.
  • In an Autodance for the Classic routine, the background has an unused color scheme.

Worth It (Extreme Crew Version)[]

  • The menu banner was originally going to have different colors.

Just Dance 2017 Beta Skins[]

These skins were found in the files of Just Dance 2017 and for some reason were not used in the final version of the game; however, the Gear skin can appear when your actual skin is loading. The X skin appears when your skin can not be loaded.

Skins are not available on 7th-Gen consoles.
Skin Represents How to unlock Cost (in Mojo) Remarks
Gear Skin (Beta)
Bubble Unknown Unknown Unknown
Gear Unknown Unknown Unknown
Graph Unknown Unknown Unknown
X Unknown Unknown Unknown

