In Medley, players go through portions of 5 randomly selected songs in a row. Players can still obtain mojo (in Just Dance 3), however, high-scores are not saved.
There are 3 kinds of medleys players can choose from: Solo Medley, Duet Medley, and Dance Crew Medley (the latter one is only on Just Dance 3 and Just Dance Wii 2). They will only use dances of the type selected.
If the song’s portion ends in the middle of a Gold Move, the Gold Move will not be counted.
However, if there is enough time to perform the Gold Move, it will be counted, but the sound effect will not play.
On Just Dance 2 and Just Dance Wii, if the On Fire feature has been obtained while playing a Medley, a part of the On Fire effect will be absent.
On Just Dance 2, stars do not appear on the final score bar, like in When I Grow Up’s contest winners.
Similar to Party Master Mode, the player can reach more than 13,333 points.
However, obtaining 13,333 points is slightly harder to reach more than this.
Just Dance 4 was supposed to feature Medley, but they were not included in the final version.[1]
In the Xbox 360 versions of Just Dance 3/Greatest Hits, Gold Moves are counted as normal moves.
On the Xbox 360 version of Just Dance 3, Duet Medley is unlocked by using Ubisoft Club.
However, Duet Medley is unlocked from the gift wheel in the Wii & PS3 versions.
Game Files[]
Duet Medley (Just Dance 2/Wii)
Medley (Just Dance 2/Wii)
Medley - Solo (Just Dance 3/Wii 2)
Medley - Duet (Just Dance 3/Wii 2)
Medley - Dance Crew (Just Dance 3/Wii 2)
In-Game Screenshots[]
Just Dance 2 Duet Medley
Just Dance 2 Solo Medley
Just Dance 3 Solo Medley
Just Dance 3 Duet Medley
Just Dance 3 Dance Crew Medley
Just Dance Wii Solo Medley
Just Dance Wii Duet Medley
Just Dance Wii 2 Solo Medley
Just Dance Wii 2 Duet Medley
Just Dance Wii 2 Dance Crew Medley
Just Dance Wii Japan (ジャストダンスWii) - Song Mix (Medley)