Just Dance Wiki

Because it's valentines day today, I decided to do a special based on Valentines Day.

Mini Warning:[]

This special will contain LGBT couples, so if you don't like them, then don't look at it, but no homophobia.


It was a relaxing sunny day at Just Dance City, the couples are out for a date, and off shopping.

Maps is at her home making a card for her partner.

Maps - "Oh I hope my beautiful boyfriend and my stepson will love this card I made by me"

Map walks to Papaoutai P1's house and gets excited. She knocks on the door looking excited.

Papaoutai P1 then opens the door.

Papaoutai (P1) - "Maps, just in time"

Maps - "Happy Valentines day baby! *Kisses Papaoutai P1 on the cheek*"

Papaoutai (P1) - "Got me anything?"

Maps - "Yes, a card and chocolates"

Papaoutai P1 then cries of happiness.

Papaoutai (P1) - "Babe, you just made me day, thank you so much"

The hug each other and laugh.

Maps - "Oh, I love you all the way to the moon and back"

Papaoutai (P1) - "Me too"


Kissing Strangers (P2) - "Gotta get myself ready, where's my toothbrush? *Sees it* Oh here it is"

He then brushes his as fast as he could.

Kissing Strangers (P2) - "Oh phew, I am so glad my teeth are whitened, and my breathe smells minty. Now just need to comb my hair"

He combs his hair.

Kissing Strangers (P2) - "Spectacular, all ready for my date in this fancy tuxedo! Ooh ooh *Takes a selfie*"

He then walks to his partner's house.

Kissing Strangers (P2) - "Oh I cannot wait *Knocks on the door*"

The door opens.

Kissing Strangers (P2) - "Hey baby!"

Kissing Strangers (P1) - "Hon, you arrived just in time for the date and you are looking beautiful *Kisses P2 on the cheek*"

Kissing Strangers (P2) - "Thank you baby"

Kissing Strangers (P1) - "No problem, but you are early so come on in"

Kissing Strangers (P2) - "hehe, ok"

Meanwhile, at town.

Papaoutai (P1) - "So, how has things been?"

Maps - "I must say, wonderful thank you, about you?"

Papaoutai (P1) - "Well not bad to be fair, I have had moments of anger"

Maps - "Oh that's sad but you got used to them"

Papaoutai (P1) - "True, did you go to Mad Love P2 and Narco's Wedding?"

Maps - "I did, and guess what? it made history of wedding rights!"

Papaoutai (P1) - "That is so true"

