Just Dance Wiki


It's something that everyone in life encounters.

Mainly, I've been struggling, attempting to past High School.

However, Bullying has caused me stress. 

I got Just Dance, and loved it!

But when I joined Just Dance Wiki, this happened.

HOLD UP! If you think I'm just doing this to make you feel bad. OF COURSE NOT.

Ever since Middle School, to Sophomore to now, everything's not what I hoped.

I may say goodbye.

I'm also would like to say, I'm starting to be known for my annoying comments.

I just, I go on Just Dance Wiki, when I'm bored, and even when I'm in a sad mood.

This website may have criticized me kind of.

Im getting Weaker, and Sadder in High School.

My life's getting ruined.

Goodbye. I hope to see you in my next blog for what's happening... thank you..
